... p o 期权名词 虚值期权(out-of-the-money options, OTM) 平值期权(at-the-money options, ATM) 实值期权(in-the-money options, ITM) 学学 术术 报 报 告告 L e ...
...的作用(ppt 39页)-金融保险-精品资料网 ey options, OTM) 平值期权(at-the-money options, ATM) 实值期权(in-the-money options, ITM) 1、买入马鞍式期权组合 (Long the Straddle) 2、卖出马鞍式期权组合 (Sho..
Mainlanders with money in the bank have few good investment options at home.
Leading managers have low salaries and often let stock options expire even when they are in the money, which suggests that rewards are not closely tied to creating value for shareholders.
If they awarded options that were "In the money" -that means already exercisable at profit -then they would be subject to a tax liability immediately, so they don't want to do that.
If they awarded options that were "In the money" -that means already exercisable at profit -then they would be subject to a tax liability immediately, so they don't want to do that.