[美食茶座咖啡厅] Keeping the actual elevation involv [商场商店] In actual fact them [身心健康] when using considerable location feeling ..
The license provides access to the actual testing tools as well as the right to claim that you've passed them, if in fact you have.
As a matter of fact, equal capitals, regardless of the quantity of actual labor employed by them, produce equal average profit in equal times.
In fact, each of us in the pursuit of The Sound of Music, also have very good hope that a person, why not pay them with the actual action?
Maybe we should say, the mere fact that it's possible for A and B to be separate--for A to exist without B for example, that's clearly where they're separate-- the mere fact that it's possible for them to be separate doesn't mean that in the actual world they are separate.
也许我们应该说,A和B有可能不同,比如 可能A存在,而B不存在,这是它们明显的不同之处,它们有可能不同,并不意味着,在现实世界它们也是不同的