往前 » Forward 除了这一件 » In addition to this one 毫无疑问,李明的花瓶是件珍贵的文物,它的设计奇特,上面有一些珠宝装饰,有200多年的历史。
In addition to this one, I have two other part-time jobs.
In addition to this one, there are more sophisticated queries possible, including which skills have an increasing trend over time, separated by company.
The Sophists were particularly skillful with language, and I suspect this was one of the key traits (in addition to their fat fees) that turned people against them.
In addition, if we compare this to the diameter of an atom, which is on the order of somewhere between one and ten angstroms, now we're seeing that, in fact, this wavelength is significantly larger than its environment.
We give you a very rich table of constants that's got all kinds of things from the mass of the electron to the speed of light, and all this stuff to the requisite number of significant figures. And, in addition, you are allowed to take in one sheet of paper, 8 1/2 x 11 one sheet 8 1/2 x 11, you can write anything you want on it.