... 亚瑟王之死(诺顿英国文学评论系列) Le Morte Darthur 缅怀 In Memoriam 柯勒律治的诗歌与散文 (诺顿英国文学评论系列) Coleridge’s Poetry and Prose ...
... 黑魔王崛起(The Dark Lord Ascending) 回忆(In Memoriam) 德思礼一家离开(The Dursleys Departing) ...
In Memoriam Furtwangler 纪念富特文格勒
In memoriam Paul Eluard 纪念保罗‧艾吕雅
Les Choristes In Memoriam 放牛班的春天
In Memoriam H H 悼念哈拉姆
In Memoriam Gilles Deleuze 唱片名
IN memoriam of 死神首曲
T In Memoriam 蓝调摇滚
Maul In Memoriam 悼念摩尔
以上来源于: WordNet
in memory of; as a memorial to: used in obituaries, epitaphs, etc 为了纪念; 作为纪念(用于讣告、墓志铭中等)
Messages in memoriam hung on a picture of the Cheonan naval vessel in Seoul Tuesday.
Our sorrows, the poets tell us, make us human; would proper therapy have denied us Tennyson’s “In Memoriam”?
Perhaps the most well-known of Tennyson's quotes comes from "In Memoriam", a tribute to one of his late friends.