在什么的启发下 » In any under inspiration 其他国家 » In other countries 我打算在八月去看我奶奶 » In August I plan to go to see my grandma ..
contracted projects in other countries 对外承包工程
Christmas in Other Countries 其他国家圣诞节
Especially In Other Countries 特别在其他国家
become homeless in other countries 流落他乡
Or in other countries 或着其他的国家
Schemes In Other Countries 计划在其他国家
We have extrapolated these results from research done in other countries.
Go to university in other countries.
Similar conditions are to be found in other countries.
And also some schools in other countries use it as a writing handbook, as do some schools in the United States."
VOA: special.2010.02.11
People in the United States and increasingly in other countries around the world, are eating way too much fat.
Well, you know, I think it's better in other countries, but as far as the United States goes,