... - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词】胃癌患者;心理干预;情绪;生活质量 [gap=1380]Key words】In patients with gastric cancer;Psychological intervention;Emotion;Quality of life胃癌是临床常见的疾病,早期选择手术治疗是最佳的治疗手段,但..
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of the detection of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with gastric cancer using spiral CT.
前言: 目的:评估螺旋CT扫描对显示胃癌淋巴结转移的应用价值。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of MR (magnetic resonance) images for preoperative TNM-staging in patients with gastric cancer.
Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of plasma adiponectin and three kinds of tumor marker, such as CEA, CA125, CA199 levels in patients with gastric cancer.