童年的余味 » Childhood finish 现实中的我 » In reality I 基于1.3节的推导,假设已计算出对应不同a时的检测量b的正态分布,c、d、e均已确定且得到了前f次的检测量,则可给出基于特征值分析...
...ated at Peking University with honors in history 谁的生日是3月12日 » Whose birthday is March 12 现实的我 » In reality I ..
in reality i love too 在现实中我太爱
In reality I live, surface optimistic strong, heart however live so helpless.
I said that I was painfully aware that my family and my friends believed I was unreliable, when in reality I had never told a lie in my 'life.
I know in reality what it is I wish for.
"I think the priorities are totally skewed when people start looking at stormwater when in reality they need to be looking at what is the primary biggest culprit in what their receiving waters are being degraded by."
VOA: standard.2010.08.04
But as I look at it, whether in reality or in my mind's eye, I'm looking at it from a perspective.
It's a different reality I mean, in a sense, they're different from me.