In technical transformation, by adding prefractionation and reflux system, adding prefractionatorside-draw and recovering prefractionator overhead gas, adopting new type burner and adopting frequency gov-erning control for motors, the processing capacity of the crude distillation unit was expanded, while the eco-nomic benefits was increased.
In addition, XMLizing also converts Prop2XLF to a pure (that is, not mixed with other transformation methods) XSLT architecture, which lowers the technical complexity.
此外,xml化还将Prop 2xlf转变成纯粹的XSLT体系结构(也就是说不掺杂其他转换方法),从而降低了技术上的复杂性。
Only "key equipment and other materials necessary for technical transformation which cannot be readily obtainable in China" will enjoy exemptions from customs duties prior to 1990, according to Gu.
Introducing the application of the static bearing in the technical transformation of diesel Iocomotive.