...一个温和平实的生命 » Who does not love a warm heart of a quiet life of real peace 要按体积计算 » In terms of the volume 每天熬夜到很晚对身体不好 » Every day the body stays up all night till late at night bad ..
But they are less scalable in terms of the volume of the transactions and dealing with a more diverse set of applications.
The volume V is given in terms of the scalar triple product.
体积 V 以标量三乘积的形式给出。
China has shown the highest growth in Scotch whisky sales over the last 20 years with 22% annual compound growth, in terms of volume.
So the probability of having an electron at the nucleus in terms of probability per volume is very, very high.
OK, now we actually would like to simplify this or to write this in terms of not the volume change, v2/v1 but the pressure change. So, we have V2 over V1.
If there were just-- if you were trying to create a positive reaction of antigens and it showed up naturally wouldn't it create this reaction anyway in terms of your body would create antibodies like the secondary response volume to antibodies?