I want to warm your hands 在那年龄段 » In that age bracket 我正在和我的朋友们去上美术俱乐部 » I was with my friends to the fine arts Club ..
But age indicates some differences: Nearly half (46%) of tablet users are age 30 ~ 49, while just 35% of Americans are in that age bracket.
但是年龄也显示出一些不同:几乎一半(46%)的平板电脑用户年龄在30 ~ 49岁,然而只有35%的美国人处在这个年龄阶段。
It's conceivable that people in my age bracket, their 40s, are young enough to benefit from these therapies.
As someone who just spent three years teaching adolescents year-round, I know firsthand that the differences between each age in the 9-14 bracket is PHENOMENAL.