...“一个100%的美国人”的立场 » Gary Locke is more standing on a "a 100% American" position 在网吧里 » In the Internet Café 我的家乡在安徽省,我的家乡虽然没有什么奇珍,但是有美丽的黄山 » My home in Anhui Province, although it is not what my hom...
I'm in the Internet Café 我在网吧里
Later, when Mrs. Luo, a neighbor in her late forties who had been laid off by the local electronics factory, came to sit with Teacher Fei’s mother, he went to a nearby Internet café.
后来,当邻居罗太太过来陪他母亲,他就去了附近网吧。 罗太太不到五十岁,是本地电子厂的下岗工人。
They are abroad in a world where they can watch the Super Bowl live from a Moscow sports bar or send an e-mail from an Internet café in Prague.
They are abroad in a world where they can watch the Super Bowl live from a Moscow sports bar or send ane-mail from an Internet café in Prague.