Lives In The Neighborhood 住在这个地区 in the neighborhood of 大约 ; 在…附近 ; 约莫 ; 大概 criminals loose in the neighborhood 囚犯在附近地区逃跑 ..
I'd like to invite you to visit the nursing home in the neighborhood of our school on the Double Ninth Festival.
These very short-lived plants reproduce prolifically; that is to say they provide a constant rain of seed in the neighborhood of parent plants.
A number of studies reported there are unusual inverted repeats in the neighborhood of the replication origins of herpesviruses.
Eartha was sent to New York City to live with an aunt in the African- American neighborhood of Harlem.
VOA: special.2009.06.07
The shield itself, as I've told you is made of a heavy wood, covered by a leather or bronze sheet about three feet across, something in the neighborhood of 16 to 20 pounds worth of shield and gripped as I told you before.
That's in kind of the remodeled SoMa neighborhood.