灭活苗 ( Inactivated Vaccines )是选用免疫原性强的细菌、病毒等人工培养 后,用物理或化学方法将其灭活,使其失去活性,使传染因子被破坏 而保留免疫原性所制...
SlV inactivated vaccines 猪流感全病毒灭活疫苗
ND inactivated vaccines 新城疫油乳苗
bivalent oil-adjuvent inactivated vaccines 二价灭活油乳苗
polyvalent oil-adjuvant inactivated vaccines 多价灭活油乳苗
Antibodies in swine induced by classical swine fever inactivated vaccines were evaluated by IHA test, and the maternal antibodies in piglets were studied.
Production of the live vaccines requires much less chicken embryos than the traditional inactivated vaccines, which allows large-scale production and massive storage, Chen said.
Despite the paucity of data -related to the use of influenza vaccines during the first -trimester of pregnancy, other inactivated vaccines (e.g. -tetanus) have proved safe in this context.