maize inbred line 玉米自交系
basic seed of inbred line 自交系原种
quality seed of inbred line 自交系良种
recombinant inbred line 和重组自交系 ; 代重组自交系 ; 群体和重组自交系 ; 佳辐占水稻重组自交系
Banna minipig inbred line 版纳微型猪近交系 ; 载体构建版纳微型猪
recombination inbred line 分别为重组自交系群体 ; 重组近交系 ; 交系 ; 重组自交系群体
An inbred maize line 近交系玉米
The trait of anti-aphid in inbred-line of“LZK-0402”has a positive correlation with some free amino acids content in the leaves of melon. The regression equation is: Y=-2.869+36.969XTh(rF=732.9196 R=0.9986)。
3、厚皮甜瓜自交系LZK-0402的抗蚜性与叶片中部分游离氨基酸的含量有关,且与蚜量比值呈正相关,逐步回归方程式为:Y=-2.869+36.969XThr(F=732.9196 R=0.9986)。
参考来源 - 厚皮甜瓜自交系LZK·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Objective: To investigate the osteogenic activity of bone morphogenetic protein of Banna small-ear inbred-line pigs.
Z936 would be a better inbred line, it was not only higher in general combining ability, but also higher in variance of specific combining ability.
Several tests data showed that inbred line Q21 has better resistance than T94 to low light, which accord with the observation in past years.