maize inbred lines 玉米自交系
New maize inbred lines 玉米新选系
fine maize inbred lines 优良自交系
summer maize inbred lines 夏玉米自交系
yugoslavia maize inbred lines 南斯拉夫玉米自交系
introduction maize inbred lines 玉米自交系
inbred lines of maize 玉米自交系
Heredity correlation and path of ear characters of 8 inbred maize lines were analyzed.
At present, inbred lines of transgenic insect resistant maize with selective marker gene removed are in separating and inbreeding program assisted by DNA marker detection.
The aluminum tolerance mechanism of maize was studied in this article, two maize inbred lines, which have different aluminum tolerance ability, were used as study material.