Include in Search:是否对该仓库进行索引并提供搜索 Publish URL:是否通过URL提供服务,为false的时候,访问该仓库地址会得到HTTP 404 Not Found错误 ..
Include Folders In Search 搜索时将符合条件的文件夹一同例出
Select the new update site (here ccrc) in the Sites to include in search list and then click Finish.
在Sites to include in search 列表中选择新的更新站点(这里是ccrc),并点击 Finish。
One approach would be to include "-songs" in your search terms in order to remove any pages that mention "songs".
一种方法可以是在搜索关键字中包括“- song”就可以移除结果中出现“song”的页面。
Last but not least, we're starting to include YouTube playlists in Google + search results.
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们还在Google +搜索结果中包含Youtube播放列表。
We're at a point now where some really important recent discoveries have not answered all our questions, but have certainly helped take us into some new directions and really open up a new chapter in the search for additional options to prevent HIV Those recent discoveries include anti-bodies found in some HIV positive people that prevent the AIDS virus from entering cells.
VOA: standard.2010.07.15