Annual Income Tax Return [税收] 年度所得税申报表
additional income tax return 附加所得税申报表
withholding income tax return [税收] 预扣所得税申报表 ; 扣缴所得税报告表
income tax return blank [税收] 空白所得税申报表
summary income tax return [税收] 所得税汇总申报表 ; 简易所得税申报表
income tax return form [税收] 所得税申报表格式
file income tax return 提送所提税申报表 ; 提送所得税申报表
income tax return system [税收] 所得税报告制度
consolidated income tax return 合并所得税单
blue-form income tax return 蓝色所得税申报表
When an enterprise submits an enterprise income tax return, the financial statements and other related materials shall be attached in accordance with the related provisions.
An enterprise shall submit an enterprise income tax return for advance payment to the tax organ and pay the tax in advance within 15 days after the end of a month or quarter.
He assist me with my income tax return.