口头传统有即时性、现场感强、高度依赖语境等性质,它是人类知识勾当的体化实践(incorporating practices),而书契记录、册本流传则与之有别,它是人类知识勾当的刻写实践(inscribing practices)。
While incorporating practices like meditation into your daily routine would be the best practice, you should at least perform them leading up to a networking event or professional interaction.
This approach enables employees to better track to-do lists and manage deadlines while incorporating best practices and knowledge from across the organization.
IBM Rational could help upgrade the development portions of CSC Catalyst by incorporating RUP's leading-edge, object-oriented best practices for custom applications.
IBM Rational能够通过集成RUP最先进的技术和最好的针对客户应用程序的面向对象实践来升级CSC Catalyst的开发部分。