... 韦氏硬度计使用方便,一卡即可,硬度值直接读出,效率高,可靠性好,符合中国有色标准YS/T420-2000和美国标准ASTM B647-84(2000) 压针 Indenter 指针组件 Indicator Hand ...
diamond indenter 金刚石压头
Knoop indenter 努氏压头 ; 努普氏硬度仪 ; 努普压头
Shore hardness indenter 肖氏硬度压头 ; 肖氏硬度计压头
hardness indenter 硬度压头
ball indenter 球压头 ; 钢球压头 ; 球形压头
Brinell hardness indenter 布氏硬度压头
standard indenter 标准压头
nano indenter 毫微压痕器 ; 纳米压痕仪
The method was described clearly. In the deflection of microbeams, the influence of the indenter tip pushing into the top of the microbeams and the curvature across its width must be considered.
参考来源 - 纳米硬度计研究多晶硅微悬臂梁的弹性模量 Young's Modulus of Polysilicon Microcantilever Beams by Deflection Using Nanoindentation·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This can be performed on a special test unit with the pin-point positioning of an indenter.
The finite element method was used to model situations where an indenter applies normal forces to a coated or uncoated aluminum substrate.
The effect V-ring indenter on the sheared surface in the fine blanking of shifting fort is investigated by means of finite element method.