Independent audit guidelines 审计鉴定制度
Independent Audit Institutions 独立审计机构
Independent audit and assurance 审计
rent-seeking in independent audit 审计寻租
supply of independent audit service 审计供给
Independent Audit of Spectrum Holdings 独立审计委员会
Audit independent flaw 审计独立性缺失
independent of folks audit 民间审计的独立性
The independent audit by CPA is so important in capital market’s operation, and it decides the audit quality of listing corporations.
参考来源 - 上市公司审计质量研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Independent Audit of Certified Public Accountants to maintain the balance between risk and return is the result.
The native audit firms are infants that can not grow up. It is because the market lacks the demand of independent audits.
This is to ensure that the auditor is independent and performs only the audit.