The cost of living index compares cost of living among Zips with "100" being average, 200 being twice the average, and 50 being half the average and so on.
An indication of the demand for top-of-the-range goods can be found in Forbes magazine's “cost of living extremely well” index which includes items such as facelifts, fur coats and Gucci loafers.
关于对高端产品的需求,我们可以从富布斯杂志中找到其体现。 该杂志的“奢华生活价格指数”——其中把如拉皮手术、皮大衣、古驰悠闲鞋等消费计算在内——在一九八二年至二零零六年间增长了三倍。
Oh, and one last thing, compare quality of living with the economic intelligence units cost of living index.