没有引入交流电流反馈的称为间接电流控制(Indirect Current Control),即所谓的幅相控制。前者检测变量过多算法复杂,在实际中调试复杂难以维护,而后者结构简单、不需要电流传感器,静态特性良好、...
Current indirect control 电流间接控制
The paper presented a mathematic model and control strategy on a three-phase voltage type rectifier under indirect current control.
The third chapter introduces the principle of ASVG and gets the indirect current control according to the simplified circuit model of ASVG.
第三章介绍了ASVG的基本原理,根据简单AS VG电路模型得出电流间接控制策略。
The basic working principle of the DSTATCOM is studied and its mathematical model is established in this paper. The direct current control and indirect current control are compared in this paper.