...地攀山,翻过东边的垭口后进入玛尔卡谷地西缘,继而西行到赞斯卡谷地(Zanskar Valley),顺着赞斯卡河注入印度河(Indus River)的路线回到列城。这样只需3至4天即可走完,比起之前东行横穿玛尔卡谷地所需8至9天的原计划,省去了一半。
Indus River Treaty 印度河协定
Indus River Valley 印度河流域
ganges and indus river dolphin 恒河豚科 ; 恒河豚属
the Indus River 印度河
Indus River Irrigation System 印度河灌区
Civilization of Indus River Valley 印度河流域文明
River Indus 印度河
Those cattle are both assets and income generators for Pakistani villagers along the Indus River.
Images of the Indus river, from 23 September, 2010 on the right, and the same date in 2009 on the left.
Like other rivers that wind across coastal plains, the course of the lower Indus river shifts frequently.
After defeating the Persians again, he pushed his army all the way to the Indus River in India, to the western part of what's now India, and what was then called India also by Greeks.