产业集群(Industrial Clusters)是一种位于特定地理区位的中间组织,由众多企业即集群的成员本着共同的产业目标、默识的规则建立了正式的和非正式约定的群体。
... very useful in the future 基因重组;能力要素;产业集群;模块化管理 » Recombinant; capacity factor; industrial clusters; Modular Management 你是我今生最爱的女人 » You is the love of my life woman ..
Competitiveness of industrial clusters 产业集群竞争力
personal computer industrial clusters PC产业集群
Characteristic Industrial Clusters 特色产业集群
growth of industrial clusters 产业集群成长
Characterized Industrial Clusters 特色产业集群
Besides, by means of LQ and multiattribute decision makings with weighs unknown, the paper identifies the industrial clusters and their performance at capital airport zone and Xi’an Xianyang airport.
参考来源 - 我国临空经济的发展机理及其经济影响研究Zhejiang Province in China has many specialized regions,where the mode of small and medium-sized enterprises in industrial clusters show great dynamics. But at the same time,there partly exists excessive competition,even badly price competition,which leads to irrational allocation of resources.
浙江许多以中小企业集群的块状经济模式表现出巨大的经济活力 ,但是又存在着部分过度竞争 ,甚至是恶性价格竞争的问题 ,造成区内资源的配置不合理。
参考来源 - 产业集群的市场竞争以及策略研究——以嵊州领带产业为例·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress