职业病(industrial disease)是劳动者在职业活动中,因接触职业性有毒有害环境(诸如粉尘、噪声、高温、放射源,有毒有害化学物质,致病微生物等因素)而引起...
Vocation industrial disease 职业病 ; 工伤
industrial disease hazardous 职业病危害
industrial environment related disease 工业环境有关疾病
industrial skin disease 工业性皮肤病
同义词: occupational disease
以上来源于: WordNet
N any disease to which workers in a particular industry are prone 职业病
Industrial shrimp producers use antibiotics and chemicals during production to prevent disease and parasites.
Feedlot and other industrial farming systems that provide the majority of supermarket meat rely on heavy antibiotic use to speed the animals' growth and prevent disease in their filthy conditions.
The common industrial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to many ills, including reproductive abnormalities, cardiovascular disease and cancer.