Often Ineffectively 往往不善
Busying Ineffectively 庸庸碌碌忙乎
ineffectively grounding system 小电流接地系统
neutral ineffectively earthed 小电流接地
ineffectively grounded system 小电流接地系统
neutral ineffectively grounded 中性点非有效接地
ineffectively grounded systems 非有效接地系统
neutral ineffectively grounded system 中性点非有效接地系统
"he dealt with the problem rather ineffectively"
同义词: inefficaciously
以上来源于: WordNet
Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.
Busying ineffectively, but no one opened their eyes and open their own thinking.
Eurozone policymakers continue to wrestle ineffectively with their own still-escalating debt crisis.