... 10-2 动静法的应用 (The application for method of dynamic equilibrium) 惯性力(Inertia force): 大小等于质点的质量m与加速度a 的乘积,方向与a 的方向相反,即F= -ma ^_^ --- --- 例题1 一起重机绳索以加速度a 提升 重为P 的...
坡道阻力 grade resistance 18 道路阻力 resistance of the road 加速阻力 accelerating resistance; inertia force 旋转质量换蒜系数 correction coefficient of rotating mass ..
然 而,静力分析中,其行为反应大都由弹簧 力所控制,故吾人可依上述說明忽略整体 系统之惯性力(inertia force) 和阻尼力 (damping force),以虎克定律(Hooke’s Law) 求解其静态反应。
inertia force classifier 惯性力分级机 ; 惯性分级机
secondary inertia force 二次惯性力
tangential inertia force 切向惯性力
normal inertia force 法向惯性力
centripetal inertia force 向心惯性力
un-balanced inertia force 不均衡惯性力
N an imaginary force supposed to act upon an accelerated body, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the resultant of the real forces 惯力
For brittle state the inertia force must be considered.
Three directions equivalent inertia force of the whole mechanism oscillates severely.
Give an example of mini van door lock, analyze the inertia force on door lock when it runs.