inertial mass [力] 惯性质量 ; 惯性子量
inertial mass simulation device 惯量模拟装置
mass inertial force 质量惯性力
two-mass inertial model 双质量惯性模型
以上来源于: WordNet
N the mass of a body as determined by its momentum, as opposed to gravitational mass. The acceleration of a falling body is inversely proportional to its inertial mass but directly proportional to its gravitational mass: as all falling bodies have the same constant acceleration the two types of mass must be equal 惯性质量
This can detect the position of platform feed with great inertial-mass through photoelectrical encoder, the vibration magnitude of translation worktable with eddy transducer.
The problems of negative mass and inertial origin have also been discussed.
The method to measure body's inertial mass is proposed by measuring period of vibration with the integrated hall switch sensor, when spring oscillator is in situation of simple harmonic vibration.