information referral system 资料查询系统 ; 信息查询系统
Information Referral Service 信息查询服务处 ; 信息咨询服务 ; 资料查询服务处
Referral information 供查询的 ; 供究诘的信息 ; 供查询的音讯
Referral information system 信息查询系统 ; 信息究诘体系
TCDC Information Referral System 技合信息查询系统
Hydrological Information Referral Services 水文信息查询服务处
Information and Referral Services 资讯提供与转介服务
She needs to either ask the physician to provide the information or ask for a referral to a specialist who can provide the information.
Through their various partnership programs, associates and third-party vendors can earn referral fees, manage inventories, and search product information for competitive pricing.
You can add your own information here to be listed as a referral and you can list your apartment as being available for sublease.