... information E loss 信息丢失 information E management system 信息管理系统 information E market 情报市场 ...
e-com IRMS-Information Resource Management System 易讯信息资源管理系统
Information E System management 信息系统管理
Information E System and management 信息系统与治理
e-commerce information management system 电子商务信息管理系统
E-file management should get involved in the forming stage in advance, strict managing system should be set up to ensure the safety of e-file information.
E-commerce and enterprise management information system will not only have many similarities, but there are many different points, of course, they are also closely related.
Proposing the E-R-P information management model in software system, guiding the instruction of the information resource integration platform.
创建了软件体系中的E - R - P信息管理模型,用其指导信息资源整合平台的构建。