information security personnel
...te hat hackers 表示,指用自己的黑客技术来维护网络安全的黑客,他们实质是信息安全从业人员(information security personnel )。与之相对应的是“黑帽黑客”(black hat hacker),也就是骇客(cracker),即闯入计算机系统或网络系统者。
information security personnel
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Encryption keys are a crucial aspect of information security in the delivery of assured communications to military personnel.
While a company's brass must make information security a priority, security personnel also need to meet management half way by making their messages interesting and accessible, Amoroso says.
All personnel of the B. information security management organization shall be.
At the end of 2005, a single consolidated data base of personnel security clearance information was established and is easily accessible by authorized users to confirm who already has what clearances.
WHITEHOUSE: Statement of Clay Johnson III
The Transportation Security Administration said personnel granted security clearances are educated about their responsibility to protect classified information, sign a non-disclosure agreement and take annual refresher training.
CNN: 10,000 airport security workers to get higher clearances
The only effort that I made in discussing -- the only effort that I made with the Times -- who I will say came to us, I think handled this story in a responsible way -- I passed a message through the writers at the New York Times to the head of WikiLeaks to redact information that could harm personnel or threaten operations or security.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing