Let's use the sales demo database tables provided with Informix as an example table. You can create this demo database by running the script dbaccessdemo_ud in the sqldist bin directory.
我们以Informix所附带的销售演示数据库表作为示例表,可通过运行sqldist bin目录中的dbaccessdemo_ud脚本来创建此演示数据库。
Read data from the Informix SYSCHUNKS system table and include mirror chunks according to this criteria.
从Informix SYSCHUNKS系统表中读数据,并根据以下标准包括镜像块。
"Informix".mqipubsub table: Before using the publish and subscribe services, you have to setup this table.
“ informix ” . mqipubsub表:在使用发布和订阅服务之前,必须建立这个表。