疾病好文档 5 硬体安装与组态指南 pdf 47 附录B 初始组态精灵 本附录提供有关使用 SSG5 装置的 Initial Configuration Wizard (初始组态精灵, ICW) 的详细资讯。 当您的装置实际连接至网路后,您可使用 ICW .
The DB2 Configuration Advisor wizard gives database administrators a good starting point with initial configuration parameter settings upon which they could make improvements if they want.
DB2 Configuration Advisor 向导为数据库管理员提供了一个很好的起点,对能够做出改善的配置参数进行初始设置(如果需要的话)。
Therefore it is best to use the default configuration wizard to build the initial configuration on the same machine that the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit is installed on.
因此,最好使用缺省配置向导在安装WebSphere Message Broker工具包的同一计算机上构建初始配置。
The Setup Wizard guides you through the initial switch configuration, and gets you up and running as quickly as possible.