一次性使用输液器、注射器的管理 (期刊论文) 关键词: 一次性使用; 输液器; 注射器; 管理 [gap=826]Key words : Disposable ; Infusion set ; Injection syringe ; Management
... injection pumping 注入式抽运 injection syringe 注入器 bang-lock ring amplibesom 注入锁定环形放大器 ...
... injection ratio 注射比,注射系数 injection syringe 注射管,注射器 injection technique 注射技术 ...
liposuction with injection syringe 注射器脂肪抽吸术
Disposable injection syringe 一次性使用注输器
Metronidazole injection syringe 甲硝唑冲洗
injection syringe for angiography 释义血管造影用注射器
remote controlled injection syringe 释义遥控注射器
remote controlled injection syringe detail 遥控注射器
AccuSizer Syringe Injection Sampler 注射进样型粒度分析仪
CONCLUSIONS Hospital acquired infection can be effectively reduced by controlling the clinically used disposable infusion set and injection syringe so as to assure the safety of public health.
Objective: to empolder a sort of transfusion ware with multi-function convenient to dosage confect injection instead of syringe.
When injection of an inner plunger of the refill of the pen insulin syringe stops, the convex plunger is tallied with the top of a refill bottle and fills the whole space.