在举世闻名的罗马法名著查士丁尼所著的《法学总论》中“ Injuria (侵害行为) 一词, 一般地说, 指一切违反法律的行为而言”“王政时期罗马已将违法行为分为公犯( delicta publica) 和私犯( delicta p r...
volenti non fit injuria 同意不生违法
ex injuria jus non oritur 不法行为不产生权利
summa injuria 于最不正义的目的
damnum injuria datum 对物私犯
jus ex injuria non oritur 不法行为不产生权利
injuria sine damno 无损害但违法
dammum sine injuria 发生实际损失而非违背法律责任
The infringement on private property interests is damnum absque injuria—damage without legal redress.
When the state acts within the legitimate sphere of the police power, the infringement on private property interests is damnum absque injuria -damage without legal redress.