Inquiry Teaching 探究式教学 ; 探究教学 ; 探究性教学
Inquiry Teaching Method 探究教学法 ; 探究式教学法 ; 探究
biology inquiry teaching 探究式教学
By Inquiry Teaching 通过探究教学
classroom inquiry teaching 课堂探究教学
inquiry teaching model 探究式教学模式
the inquiry teaching 探究性教学
guided inquiry teaching 引导探究型教学模式
inquiry teaching design 化学教学设计
As we are entering information age of the 21 st century, the question-inquiry teaching has been endowed with new spirit and content, and will become a leading way of teaching in the school education.
Geography inquiry teaching design plays a role of a bridge and link between the teaching theory and practice of teaching geography.
Based on the idea, inquiry teaching is launched extensively in every discipline teaching.