...2015圆石滩车展展车重要指数: 此次圆石滩车展劳斯莱斯带来了一辆魅影天籁-Inspired by Music(灵境特别版车型),该车在外观以及内饰上融入了铜元素设计,重要的是该车全球仅限量1台哦,看中的可要快速下手啊!
Music Inspired By 弹指间心无间
Music Inspired by Motion Picture 原声唱片的音乐专辑
I hope that people who feel inspired by music will also feel moved by what I have to say about TB.
Barbra was so inspired by Mother’s funeral music that she made her own album of hymns and inspirational songs, including one written in Mother’s memory, Leading with Your Heart.
棒极了!” 母亲葬礼上的音乐给了芭芭拉很大的灵感,后来她自己发行了一张专辑,里面全部是圣歌和励志歌曲,包括为纪念母亲写的那首歌《用心去生活》。
If you want to be rhythmically challenged, then forget the horrific noodling of Yes and check out bela bartok, who was inspired by the addictive rhythms of his native Hungary's folk music.
你要想在节奏上自我挑战一下,还是抛弃Yes乐队的那些瞎搞,去听bela bartok(巴托克,20世纪作曲家,俩都是匈牙利人嘛——译注)吧,他的灵感来自家乡匈牙利民间音乐引人入迷的节奏感。