Installed Base 安装基础 ; 客户群 ; 现有用户数 ; 用户基数
Installed Languages 已安装语言
installed fonts 已安装字体
installed thrust 置后推力 ; 机上推力
recently installed 最近安装的
TUR installed 收纸器
Installed Programs 安装的程序
CCTV Installed 本店装有闭路监控电视
BRIT also instal
V-T If you install a piece of equipment, you put it somewhere so that it is ready to be used. 安装
They had installed a new phone line in the apartment.
installation N-UNCOUNT 安装
Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.
V-T If someone is installed in a new job or important position, they are officially given the job or position, often in a special ceremony. 正式任命
A temporary government was installed.
Professor Sawyer was formally installed as president last Thursday.
installation N-UNCOUNT 任命仪式; 就职仪式
He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.
V-T If you install yourself in a particular place, you settle there and make yourself comfortable. 安顿 [正式]
Before her husband's death she had installed herself in a modern villa.