Once the initial [Swype] package is installed, you can download and install additional languages.
Toolkits for other languages (C/C++, PHP), modeling tools, and additional extensions are being developed under the Eclipse umbrella and can be installed as Eclipse plug-ins.
用于其他语言(C/C++、PHP)、模型工具和其他扩展的工具包正在庞大的 Eclipse 下开发,并且可以作为 Eclipse 插件来安装。
You do not need to download a language pack for the language you installed, these language packs are to support creation of additional languages.
例如,我最开始装MOSS的时候安装的是中文版,现在需要做一个中英文的多语言站点,那么就需要下载英语版的语言包.下载语言包安装、重新运行sharepoint技术向导。 这些,我们的sharepoint就可以创建多语言的网站了。