工具实体 是由工具衍生出來的,其之间的关系就好比類别 (class)与類 别实体 ( instance of class ),如:程式开发 者设计了一个公文订阅的工具類别,每个使用者都 可以在自己的页面中加入公文订阅的工具实体來 订阅属于自己的待...
instance of a class 类的实例 ; 某个类的实例
Now, in class D, an instance of class C is constructed.
现在,在类 D 中,构造了类 C 的实例。
The second field, of type StaticLocalInitFlag, assists in initializing the variable I correctly the first time the method executes on each instance of class Foo.
The result returns a Boolean object with value false if the computation is not complete; otherwise, it returns an instance of class object, which contains the result.
This is saying, that's a class, true or sorry, an instance of a class, and I'm going to get the x value associated with it.
Or another way of thinking about it, is remember I said when I call that class definition it creates an instance, that's a pointer to some spot in memory that's got some local information around it.
c p 1 points to an instance, it points to a particular version of this class.