...载 歇根消费者信心指数(Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, MCSI)每个月由社会问题研究协会(Institute for Social Research, ISR)发表,并广为专业人士和私人投资者利用。他们可从指数中得知当时人们消费的心态,以此作为日常决策的参考。
...tion of the dominant ideology 八、批判理论(Critical Theory) • 1923年 社会调查研究所 (Institute for Social Research) 法兰克福学派 (Frankfurt School) 主要人物: Max Horkheimer Theodor Adorno Herbert Marcuse • 研究焦点:文化产品的工业化...
Swedish Institute for Social Research 瑞典社会研究院
the Institute for Social Research 社会研究所
Frankfurt Institute for Social Research 法兰克福社会研究所
以上来源于: WordNet
"Many older workers are empty-nesters," says researcher Gwenith Fisher, an organizational psychologist at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social research (ISR).
Thee parent-child relationship is one of the longest-lasting social ties human beings establish, " says Kira Birditt, researcher at the Michigan Institute for Social Research."
The Kansai Institute for Social and Economic Research says a mere 5% drop in energy consumption this summer would wipe out the region's expected GDP growth of 0.5% in this fiscal year.