高能物理专业英语翻译I-31-SCIdict学术词... ... 热偶仪器 instrument, thermo-couple 飞行时间计时器 instrument, time-of-flight 绝缘心型变压器 insulated core transformer ...
PERISCOPE is an instrument and mission concept with the goal of investigating and mapping lunar skylights from an orbiting platform using photon time-of-flight imaging.
PERISCOPE是一个仪器和任务概念,从一个轨道平台,使用光量子飞行时间成像法,(达到) 调查和测绘月球天窗目的。
Using moderate resolution capabilities of a desk time-of-flight (TOF) instrument, the fragmentation regularity from electron impact mass spectra of vitexin was studied.