... instrumental music器乐 instrumental error仪器误差;仪表误差 instrumental variable工具变量;工具变数 ...
limited information instrumental variable 有限信息工具变量
illegitimate instrumental variable 不合理的工具变量
instrumental variable estimator 工具变量估计式
instrumental variable technique [数] 辅助变量法
standard instrumental variable estimators 标准工具变量估计量
Instrumental variable model 工具变量模型
Instrumental variable estimation 工具变量估计法
method of instrumental variable [经] 工具变量法
Iterative Instrumental Variable Least Squares method with controller was used in the algorithm, to solve the difficulty of identification of delay time and identifiability of close loop systems.
参考来源 - 系统辨识方法的研究与工程化应用Error variances are necessaryto estimate parameters in measurement error model. An important alternativemethod is to adopt instrumental variable.
参考来源 - 测量误差模型及其医学研究应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Proposes an algorithm of bi-iteration subspace tracking using instrumental variable, and it is a bi-iterate rank-one update model.
Through instrumental variable identification method, the single input single output difference equations and the Z transfer function were gotten.
The instrumental variable method and LILC criterion are used to estimate the order and parameter of electro-hydraulic position and force coupled system.