(二) 膜蛋白(膜中蛋白质种类和数量反映了膜功能的复杂程度)1, 整合蛋白(integral protein):嵌入脂双层,多为跨膜蛋白,它们的疏水区域与脂双层中脂类分子的疏水尾部相互作用,亲水区域暴露在膜的一侧或两侧表面,疏水性氨基酸...
膜蛋白根据其所处细胞膜的位置不同又分为内在膜蛋白(Integral Protein)和外周膜 蛋(Peripheral Protein)‘251,其中内在膜蛋白所占比例较大,约为整个膜蛋白系统的百分 之七十【221。
分类:膜内在蛋白(Integral protein) 膜周边蛋白(Peripheral protein) ? 一、膜内在蛋白(integral protein)也称整合蛋白,多为跨膜蛋白,有的共价结合于 脂分子,占膜蛋白70%~80%,多是兼性分子。 ?
intrinsic or integral protein 内在蛋白或整合蛋白
integral membrane protein 膜内在蛋白 ; 整合蛋白 ; 膜内在蛋白质 ; 膜本体蛋白质
intrinsic c or integral protein 内在蛋白或整合蛋白
channel-forming integral protein 通道形成性膜内整合蛋白
intri ic or integral protein 内在蛋白或整合蛋白
integral protein in fluidmosaic model 液体镶嵌模型的整蛋白
integral menbrane protein 整合膜蛋白
integral membrane protein b 跨膜整合蛋白2b
Integral Membrane Protein 2B 跨膜整合蛋白2B
Cytochrome oxidase is the terminal component of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and is an integral protein complex of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
The present invention relates to a method which is capable of dissolving and then quantitatively measuring integral protein in the formalin attachment biology sample.
Chicken, beef, eggs and fish are the most common sources of protein, and should be made an integral part of a generally healthy diet.