Integrates highly 高度集成化
Integrates Bluetooth-enabled phones 整合蓝牙
Even more integrates the world 更加融入世界
integrates with microsoft outlook 结合微软的前景
world integrates 国际接轨
Integrates ability 融入能力
integrates optimal 结合优化
It can integrate the information and manage the knowledge.
参考来源 - 现代OA系统的研究Integrate ATW310 fingerprint sensor into the system.
参考来源 - 一种指纹识别移动硬盘的设计与实现Any duplication based task scheduling algorithm can integrate it easily.
参考来源 - 多核多线程处理器上任务调度技术研究The integrate development of green manufacturing systems persues comprehensive performance. It is a process divided with several stages.
参考来源 - 绿色制造系统的集成发展研究In the meantime,to be noticed,any system all has blemish and abuse of itself,but how to establish it reasonably,and make it with our country’s current civil procedural law system integrate mutually well,is having an important research meaning.
参考来源 - 论民事附带上诉制度(研究生论文)Health education and intervention was carried out according to 《the work plan of community based integrate control of hypertension in Shenzhen》.
参考来源 - 高血压人群社区干预的效果评价—《中国医药导报》—2007年第22期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: incorporate
同义词: desegregate mix
"The students at this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T/V-I If someone integrates into a social group, or is integrated into it, they behave in such a way that they become part of the group or are accepted into it. 使融入; 结合在一起
He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.
Integrating the kids with the community is essential.
integrated ADJ 融合的
He thinks we are living in a fully integrated, supportive society.
V-T/V-I When races integrate or when schools and organizations are integrated, people who belong to ethnic minorities can join others in their schools and organizations. 使合并; 成为一体 [美国英语]
The Marine Corps was the last service to integrate.
integrated ADJ (种族) 融合的 [ADJ n]
...a black honour student in Chicago's integrated Lincoln Park High School.
V-RECIP If you integrate one thing with another, or one thing integrates with another, the two things become closely linked or form part of a whole idea or system. You can also say that two things integrate. 结合
Writing about a topic helps you integrate new knowledge with what you already know.
...historic landmarks that integrate with the community.
integrated ADJ 整体的
There is, he said, a lack of an integrated national transportation policy.
The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization or society that it supposedly serves.
We envision the camera becoming so small that it integrates into clothing, such as the button of a shirt, a brooch, or a pendant.
Get complete interactive whiteboard functionality in a convenient package that integrates a large touch screen, projector and speaker system.
That fixs the national standard and that integrates the technology of today with the wisdom of the past.
It's collecting information from all these dendrites under the right series of signals the cell body integrates all that information, says time for me to fire an action potential.