individual intelligence test 个别智力测验
group intelligence test 团体智力测验
George Washington Social Intelligence Test 份社会智力测验 ; 份社会形态智力测验 ; 第一份社会智力检验 ; 一九二六年推出了第一份社会智力测验
Stanford Intelligence Test 斯坦福智力测验
standardized intelligence test 标准化智力测验
Culture Fair Intelligence Test 超文化智力测验
Diagnostic Intelligence Test 诊断性智力测验
Intelligence Test Room 智力测查室
nonverbal intelligence test 非言语智力测验 ; 非文字智力测验
Verbal Intelligence Test 语文智力测验
Internationally, "giftedness" is most frequently determined by a score on a general intelligence test, known as an IQ test, which is above a chosen cutoff point, usually at around the top 2-5%.
在国际上,“天才”最常由一项智商测试(IQ test)的分数决定,这些“天才”的测试分数高于选定的分界线,通常在前2%至5%左右。
It's not an intelligence test.
In fact, when several dozen elementary - and middle-school kids from the Detroit area used this exercise for 15 minutes a day, many showed significant gains on a widely used intelligence test.