intelligence and information management 情报信息管理 intelligence and information system 情报信息系统 intelligence agriculture information and technology 智能化农业信息技术 ..
This program is managed by the U.S. AFRL Information Handling branch within the Information and Intelligence Exploitation Division as part of the AFRL Computer Defense Immune System (CDIS) initiative.
The system produces intelligence information collected by the U-2, RQ-4 Global Hawk, MQ-9 Reaper and MQ-1 Predator aircraft.
该系统产生的情报信息由U - 2, RQ - 4全球鹰,MQ - 9死神和MQ - 1捕食者飞机收集。
Bringing the sense of hearing into play, the system extends the application of intelligence instruments, and hence, raises efficiency and facilitates the collection of meteorological information.