... interactive processing system: 交谈系统 Interactive Text Processing System: 交互式文本处理系统 interactive voice processing system: 交互式语音回应系统 ...
advanced weather interactive processing system 高级气象交互处理系统
machine interactive processing system 人机对话处理系统
man-machine interactive processing system 人机对话处理系统
Virtual Interactive Processing System 虚拟交互处理系统
IPS Interactive Processing System 交互式处理系统
man machine interactive processing system 人机对话处理系统
earth resources interactive processing system 地球资源相互处理系统
interactive image processing system 人机对话影象处理系统
interactive voice processing system 交互式语音回应系统 ; 交互式语音响应系统
The system has friendly user interface interactive processing and interpretation functions easy operation and easy to use.
The system has friendly user interface, interactive processing and interpretation functions, easy operation and easy to use.
Since, the main factor that effects system performance in interactive image processing is the time rather than storage space.