因特网 或 互联网 (interconnection network),在台湾译作 网际网路 ,与英文里的“internet”同义,即是“联接网络的网络”,可以是任何分离的实体网络之集合,这些网络以一...
non-blocking interconnection network 非阻塞互连网络
multistage interconnection network 多级互联网 ; [计] 多级互连网络 ; 多级互联网络 ; 网络
MSIN MultiStage Interconnection Network 多级互连网络
full interconnection network 全互联网络
single-stage interconnection network [计] 单级互连网络
Direct Interconnection Network 连网络 ; 直接互连结构
Optical Interconnection Network 光互连网络
interrupt-signal interconnection network 中断信号互连网络
Mesh interconnection network Mesh互连网络
To evaluate the performance of the multicast schemes in an interconnection network, there are some parameters that must be considered: The injection rate, the multicast size, the message length, and the startup latency.
参考来源 - WormholeAt above-mentioned parallel processing interconnection network structure research of foundation up, the profiling sonar parallel processing system of multi-DSP notes is designed and implemented. An assignment parallel processing strategy is put forward in the system.
参考来源 - 小平台剖面声纳的信号处理技术研究The ordering π can represent not only an ordering of rows (or columns) or elimination ordering in computations of sparse matrices, but also an embedding ordering of elements in circuit designing, and an arrangement ordering of interconnection network of computers.
参考来源 - 图的最优标号的临界性、可分解性及有关问题·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A two-layer parallel optical interconnection network with expansibility was designed.
Therefore the study of optical interconnection network is of great practical significance.
Locally twisted cube is a newly introduced interconnection network for parallel computing.