interest charges 利息收费 ; 利息费用 ; 利息费 ; [金融] 收取的利率
Net income after interest charges 计息后净收益
Net income before interest charges 计息前净收益
net before interest charges 计息前净收益
instalment and interest charges 分期还本付息
interest and amortization charges [金融] 还本付息支出
BANK CHARGES&INTEREST 银行收费科技感兴趣 ; 银行收费及利息
In many procurement activities, the buyer is allowed to settle the account a period of time after the purchase without paying any interest charges. This time period is known as the credit (credit period).
在许多采购活动中,买家被允许经过一段时间后再付货款,而在这段时间内买家并不需要支付任何利息费用,这段时间被称为信用期(credit period)。
参考来源 - 在负信用期允许情况下供应商最优信用期决策—《物流科技》—2008年第9期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
While they may use a credit card for convenience, affluent people never let interest charges accrue.
Payday loans often carry punitively high interest charges.
薪资贷款(Payday loans)往往伴随极高的利息收费。
Pawnbrokers give customers money in return for an object which is held as security until the customer pays off the loan plus any interest charges.